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Season 3  episode 3: The Great Exchange - Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas!

What a day to be discussing hate and love. As you will see from this week's message, Christmas has not always been a time of peace, joy and love for me. I really struggled when my parents split and all the drama and stress that Christmas Day caused. This story lasted over 35 years. 

Today is a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus around the world. He came to kick all the unhelpful stuff into touch for good, so we could each have life and life in abundance now. 

Nothing brings me more joy than to see others set free from their pain. Hate comes from deep-rooted pain. If you are triggered in this season, please get in touch. We have an open home on Christmas day for all those who want some love.

I pray that as you listen to this episode, you will find love in your heart for today and for the future.

Have a fabulous festive season.

The Great Exchange: Hate for Love...on the day of Jesus birth


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